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全部文章 admin 2016-03-15 264 次浏览

June 2018 ITC Leiden China Summer Course in International Tax Law
at Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE) and taught by Prof. dr. Kees van Raad
主办: 中央财经大学国际税务研究中心
荷兰莱顿国际税法研究中心 (ITC Leiden)
随着经济全球化和中国“一带一路”倡议的实施常山人才网 ,近年中国引入跨国投资和本土企业走向全球的趋势日益加快。在此背景下,国际税收的重要性日渐突出,对于国际税收财经与法律菁英的培养也显得日益急迫。在此趋势下,中央财经大学与荷兰莱顿国际税法中心(ITC Leiden)于2018年6月25日至6月29日联合推出“2018年国际税法暑期班”周正武 ,面向全国及海外高校教师、研究生(包括硕士生和博士生)、优秀本科生以及企业和财税实务部门工作人员招收学员。
莱顿国际税法研究中心(ITC Leiden)“国际税法暑期学校”从2005年以来先后与北京大学财经法研究中心、中央财经大学国际税务研究中心、武汉大学税法研究中心、厦门大学国际税法与比较税制研究中心、上海交通大学财税法研究中心等国内著名财税法研究机构合作,每年暑期招收全国优秀学员研习国际税法前沿理论,并选拔学员赴荷兰留学,至今已经是第14届,该项目为中国培养了一大批国际税收高级专业人才。零之轨迹pc破解版
1. 开课时间和授课语言
1. Duration of ITC Leiden Summer Course and language of instruction
Period:Monday 25 June – Friday 29 June 2018 (exam in evening of Saturday 30 June).
Language of instruction:The morning lectures are in English. The afternoon workshops are conducted in Chinese.
2. 教师
每天上午将由莱顿大学法学院的国际税法教授、莱顿国际税法研究中心主任、莱顿国际税法硕士项目的导师Kees van Raad教授进行授课。
税法相关从业者、大学教师、政府税务部门职员以及博士生(非其他在校学生)可以选择参加由Kees van Raad教授主持主讲的税收协定案例研究研讨会(一个下午)。
2. Teachers
The course is taught in the morning hours by prof. dr. Kees van Raad, professor of International Tax Law at the Leiden University Law School, chairman of the International Tax Center Leiden and director of its Adv LLM Program in International Tax Law. The afternoon workshops will be given by Shaomei Chen who graduated in 2016 from Leiden University’s Adv LLM Program in International Tax Law as nr. 1 of her class (she is currently a PhD student at Leiden University). Practitioners湘机中学, university teachers, government tax officials and PhD students (not: regular students) have the choice to participate one afternoon in a seminar given by prof. dr. Kees van Raad on tax treaty case studies.
Students that are interested in competing for the (full and partial) tuition fee scholarships for the ITC Leiden 2019-2020 Adv LLM Program which are available for the three or four students with the best results in the exam that is given at the end of the program, are strongly advised to join the afternoon workshops. The knowledge and insight tested at the exam deals with the issues that are explained in some details in those workshops. Only (full-time) students may compete for these scholarships which are provided by ITC Leiden (one full and two half tuition fee scholarships) and by Deloitte China (one half tuition fee scholarship).
3. 研究课题
1) 税收管辖权问题
2) 国际法律性和经济性双重征税
3) 从国际角度,寻求解决策略:
4) 直接国外投资:参股免税和间接税收抵免
5) 有价证券的国外投资:多样化的方式
6) 税收协定入门
7) 税收协定中关于营业利润征税问题
8) 税收协定中关于股息、利息和特许权使用费征税问题
9) 税收协定中关于非独立劳务收入征税问题
10) 转让定价入门
3. Course subjects
- International tax jurisdiction
- International juridical & economic double taxation
- Relief from international:
juridical double taxation: exemption & foreign tax credit
economic double taxation of dividends: in case of:
direct foreign investment: participation exemption and indirect foreign tax credit)
and portfolio foreign investment: various methods
- Introduction to tax treaties and treaty residence
- Business profits taxation under tax treaties
- Dividends, interest & royalties and capital gains taxation under tax treaties
- Income from employment under tax treaties
- Introduction to transfer pricing
4. 时间表
1)注册及领取课程资料:2018年06月24日,下午 1:00到6:00(即,课程开始前一天)
2)开幕式: 2018年6月25日(周一)上午8:30
3)授课时间:2018年6月25日至6月29日;上午8:30到中午12点(课程)、下午1:00到 4:00(研讨会)
4. Time table
-Arrival registration (and distribution of course materials): Sunday 24 June 2018 between 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. (i.e., on the day before the course begins)
-Opening Ceremony: Monday 25 June 2018, 8:30 a.m.
Monday 25 June – Friday 29 June 2018:
8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. (lecture) & 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. (work shop)
-Exam: Saturday 30 June 2018, 6.30 - 10.00 p.m.
5. 报名暑期学校条件
A –税法(或税务)、经济法或财务会计等专业的本科生;税法、税务或金融专业的硕士或者博士研究生
B –税法、税务和财务会计专业的大学教师
C –政府税务部门职员
D –企业税务部门从业人员
本次暑期班的报名限额为在校学生100人(大学教师、政府职员和从业人士无报名限额)仙路何方 。对在校学生的选拔将主要基于其学术水平,如果在报名截止日(2018年6月13日)之前,在校学生报名总人次超过100人,学术表现出色的学生将被优先考虑。
5. Requirements for enrollment in the Summer Course
Admission to the ITC Leiden’s China Summer Course is open to the following categories of persons:
a. university students who are pursuing (i) an undergraduate degree with a specialization in tax law (or taxation)毕国祥 , economic law or financial accounting or (ii) a master or doctoral degree in tax law (or taxation), or in finance;
b. university teachers of tax law, taxation and financial accounting;
c. government tax officials, and
d. tax practitioners in private practice or working in a corporate tax department,
Participants of all categories need the following requirements:
proven English proficiency: minimum score of 500 for National English test level six (CET6); or minimum overall score of 7 for IELTS or 100 for TOEFL, and
adequate tax knowledge based on either tax courses taken at the university or tax practice experience.
Enrollment in the 2018 ITC Leiden’s China Summer Course at CUFE is restricted to 100 students (there is no number restriction for university teachers废都艳事 , government officials and practitioners). Students will be selected on the basis of academic merit. If the total number of student applications received by the deadline date (13June 2018) will exceed the 100 places available, the students with better academic performance will be given priority.
Because of the restriction on the number of students that can attend the Course, students that have attended an ITC-China Summer Course in a previous year may not enroll again this year.
参加第二次考试的七名学生将被要求在2018年12月底前提交雅思考试成绩九斤老太 。获得两次成绩平均分最高分的学生(需提供满足要求的雅思或托福成绩)将会获得价值20朴允载,000欧元的莱顿国际税法研究中心2019-2020学年高级国际税法硕士项目的全额学费奖学金。第二,第三及第四名的学生将获得莱顿国际税法研究中心2019-2020学年高级国际税法硕士项目价值10讣告怎么写,000欧元的半额学费奖学金(有权参加9月至次年1月学期的课程)吴培服 。其中一个半额学费奖学金由德勤中国赞助。获得半额学费奖学金的学生可以支付额外的学费以参加全年的课程。如果前四名学生的成绩非常相近,学费奖学金的发放方式可能会和上述方式有所不同鼠疫屠城 。
6. Exams, certificates, diplomas and scholarships
Participants who attend all lectures & workshops (attendance will be checked every morning and afternoon) and take the exam will receive acertificate of attendanceissued jointly by the International Tax Center Leiden and CUFE. If a participant obtains an exam grade of at least 5.0 (on a scale 0 – 10) s/he will be issued adiploma(stating that the candidate has passed the exam) instead of just a certificate. Further高门嫡女 , participants that obtain an exam grade of at least 7.0 will be given adiploma with honors.
There will be two exams.The seven students that have obtained the highest grades in the first exam are invited to take a second exam that takes place within two months after the first exam. Whereas the first exam primarily tests the level of understanding of subjects that have been taught in the lectures and workshops, the second exam goes beyond that. The second exam examines whether students on the basis of the concepts they have studied during the course are also able to analyze at a higher level issues that were not necessarily discussed during the course. From the experience of past years, it is clear that the best students of the first exam are not necessarily the students who get the best grades in the second exam, due to the difference in focus between the two exams. Therefore, the individual ranking obtained by the seven best students in the first exam will not be released as this would provide an incorrect impression of a student’s chance in the second exam. The (combined) result of the two exams will be released to the seven students shortly after the second exam.
The seven students that have taken the second exam will be requested to send in their IELTS test scores before the end of December 2018. As a rule, the student with the highest weighted average grade of the two exams will, provided s/he has a sufficient IELTS or TOEFL test score徐州征婚网 , be granted a full tuition scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year of the ITC Leiden Adv LLM Program (value € 20,000). The three students ranking 2, 3 and 4 will be granted a half tuition fee scholarship (value € 10,000) for the 2019-2020 ITC Leiden Adv LLM program (entitling them to participate in the courses taught in the period during September through January). One of the half tuition fee scholarships will be sponsored by Deloitte China. A student with a half tuition fee scholarship may of course pay for the additional tuition fee amount and continue in the full year Program. If the average grades of the four top students are rather close, the tuition fee scholarships may be divided in a manner different from what is indicated above.
A student who wins a full or partial ITC Leiden tuition scholarship is allowed to postpone her/his study in Leiden for one year (and study in Leiden during the 2020-2021 academic year).
The monthly cost of living for a Chinese student in Leiden typically ranges from € 600 to € 1000 per month,任明廷 depending on individual lifestyle.
7. 课程费用与补贴
7. Summer Course fee
Participation in the Summer Course (including course materials) is free for students. Other participants (university teachers驴拳 , government officials and tax practitioners) will be charged a course fee:
– RMB 1,500 for university teachers and government officials and
– RMB 3,000 for tax practitioners.
Student participants will receive each day a lunch coupon. All other expenses are to be borne by the participants themselves. Starting Tuesday 26 June on the lunch coupons will be distributed only to those students that have attended the full morning and afternoon class of the preceding Monday (class attendance will be checked four times a day).
8. 申请
(2)数码照片(25×35 mm)
(4)学术研究 (选择性提交):在税务刊物(中英文)中发表文章或书籍的电子版
8. Application
Applicants must send (a) a resume, (b) a digital photo (25 × 35 mm), (c) proof of English proficiency (National English test level six [CET6], IELTS or TOEFL score), and, optionally, (d) a digital version of articles (and/or books) they have published in a (Chinese or English) tax periodical, before 20 June 2018 to the following persons by email:
Contact person: Ms. Fang
Email: rcpy_snfd@163.com
Contact person: Ms. Chen
Email: xin.chen@ifachina.com
