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全部文章 admin 2020-03-08 296 次浏览


15:1 众税吏和罪人都挨近耶稣,要听他讲道。
15:2 法利赛人和文士私下议论说:“这个人接待罪人,又同他们吃饭。”
15:3 耶稣就用比喻说:
15:4 “你们中间谁有一百只羊失去一只,不把这九十九只撇在旷野,去找那失去的羊,直到找着呢?
15:5 找着了乾安天气预报 ,就欢欢喜喜地扛在肩上三鞭海狗丸 ,回到家里,
15:6 就请朋友邻舍来,对他们说:‘我失去的羊已经找着了,你们和我一同欢喜吧!’
15:7 我告诉你们:一个罪人悔改,在天上也要这样为他欢喜,较比为九十九个不用悔改的义人欢喜更大。
15:8 或是一个妇人有十块钱,若失落一块,岂不点上灯,打扫屋子,细细地找,直到找着吗古往今来造句?
15:9 找着了多重人格侦探 ,就请朋友邻舍来,对他们说:‘我失落的那块钱已经找着了,你们和我一同欢喜吧泰达政务网 !’
15:10 我告诉你们:一个罪人悔改,在 神的使者面前也是这样为他欢喜。”
耶稣基督是一个讲故事的高手放浪冒险谭 。我们在这章经文就读到三个广为人知的简短故事。耶稣讲这三个故事,除了说明神何等爱护和疼惜我们每个人外,还用来回应针对祂的法利赛人。他们批评耶稣的生活方式,经常与罪人为伍。
然而,这只愚蠢的迷羊,却触动了牧羊人的爱心。他离开羊群,亲自出去寻找这只迷羊沈航官网 。神正是这样寻找失丧的人。祂想尽办法寻找失丧的罪人,呼唤他们回到祂的身边。我们的神就是这位寻羊的牧人,当祂寻回罪人,引领他回转,回到祂的家,祂就欢喜快乐。
第二个是丢钱的故事(8至10节)宫小路瑞穗 。物主怎么丢钱的呢?因为一时大意?迷羊会失去安全的保护;丢失的钱会失去应有的用处,不能再对主人作出任何贡献。因此,物主不单失去一块铜板,而是失去所有可用那块钱购买的物品。cf盒子
我们在这里看见圣灵的工作。祂永不言倦地四出寻找失丧的罪人。圣灵会向他们说话,叫他们知罪并认识自己的光景马度云 ,以及知道自己需要一位救主。
BIBLE READING: Luke 15: 1-10
Jesus Christ was the master story-teller. Here in this chapter are three of his best-known short stories. They were told to illustrate how much God loves and misses every individual soul. They were also told for those who criticized his life-style, particularly the Pharisees. They resented him spending so much time with “sinners”.
The first story is about a lost sheep (vv.4-7). One of the shepherd's flock had wandered away. A sheep doesn't stop to think. It sees a gapor an opening and wanders on unconscious of any danger. Soon it is lost to the safety of the flock and the fold. When it realizes its position, it can only bleat helplessly and can never find its way back.
But this foolish lost sheep calledout the love of the shepherd. He leftthe other sheep and wentto find the lost one. God does the same. How many ways does He use to seek out the lost sinnersand call them back to Himself? He is the seeking shepherdwho rejoices when a lost sinner repents and joins God's family.
The second story tells of a lost coin (vv.8-10). How was it lost? By carelessness? The sheep was lost to safety. The coin was lost to service. It could not be used while it was lost. It could make no contribution to the home. It was not merely a piece of metal lost上杉绘梨衣 , but all the good it could do was lost too.
Again therewas someone who feltthe loss keenly. The woman searched, swept, lookeduntil she found it, and restoreditrejoicinglyto its rightful place.
Here is a picture of the Holy Spirit. He works tirelessly searching, seeking for lost sinners who are lost to God. The Holy Spirit speaks to them, hoping to convict them of their sin, their position and their need of a Saviour.
How He rejoices (and all the angels join with Him) when a sinner listens to His voice and is saved and comes into the family of God! Where are you today?